Content Reward Program
Meil on hea meel teatada sisupreemia programmist.
Tänaseks on Mirror järk-järgult asendanud Mediumi krüptoraha ja Web3 jaoks ning me oleme täheldanud, et Mirroris on palju krüptoraha ja Web3 sisu, mis on suurepärane ja sageli lugejaid inspireeriv. Seda silmas pidades soovime sponsoreerida loojaid, kes kirjutavad Mirroris.
Mirror on suurepärane Web3 sisuplatvorm, ja kuigi inimesed räägivad endiselt Web3-st, on Mirror juba rakenduse esirinnas, ja võib-olla peakski Web3 olema just see.
MixPay sisu premeerimisprogramm on lihtne ja autorid, kes loovad Mirroris, saavad oma preemiaid vaid kolme sammuga.
samm, registreerige Mixin Messengeri, lisage MixPay ja genereerige annetuslink. Ja täielik juhend on siin.
samm, lisage oma artikli algusesse järgmine tekst.
Ingliskeelne autor.
See artikkel on sponsoreeritud MixPay sisupreemiaprogrammi poolt. MixPay on detsentraliseeritud krüptomakseteenuse platvorm, mis on ehitatud Mixin Networkile. MixPay, Payment for Web3.
Chinese Author.
本文由 MixPay 内容奖励计划赞助。MixPay 是一个基于 Mixin Network 的去中心化加密货币支付服务平台。MixPay,为 Web3 而生。
Step 3, add a link to donate with an image at the end of the article, available in the following sizes and formats.
Personal blog based on Markdown. The original code looks like this.
<p align="center">
<a href="">
<img style="width:260px" src="" />
In Medium, add the donate image, click on the image so it has a green border, and press Command+K on Mac, Control+K on PC.
In Mirror, just add the donate image and input your donate link directly.
The final format is similar to this.
The above steps can be completed in less than ten minutes. Once you have done so, simply register with MixPayGuide and we will settle at certain times of the day.
Once you have completed the above steps, you can register by contacting us as follows.
Name | Mixin Messenger | Telegram | Discord |
Hebe | 40117997 | @ihebechan | Hebe#3208 |
Shilling | 40125551 | @shillingzheng | Shilling#3528 |
MixPay's content rewards are $10 per article and the settlement cryptocurrency is USDT. Of course, the amount of this reward is adjustable and can show us the UV or PV data of Mirror articles. Besides, you can also write articles about MixPay specifically and will be paid extra for them.
The program starts at 00:00:00 UTC on March 31, 2022 and ends at a time to be determined.
Umbes MixPay
MixPay on detsentraliseeritud krüptoraha makseteenuse platvorm, mis on ehitatud Mixin Networkile. MixPay suudab eraldada makse, hinnapakkumise ja arvelduse aluskihis, toetab mis tahes krüptovaluuta ja fiat-valuuta arveldust, toetab mis tahes rahakoti makseid ja pakub kolme arveldusrežiimi: individuaalne, arendaja ja mitme allkirjaga konto. MixPay, makse Web3 jaoks.
MixPay dokumendid
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