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Using Paylink

MixPay payment link page for quickly accepting crypto payments.


IMPORTANT: The paylink example is for new users to understand how the MixPay payment flow. We recommend using one time payment in the production.

Although this method is more convenient, and you may be more inclined to use this method of splicing parameters, you need to pay attention that when using this method, people can easily in the browser change the parameters you set.

Please checkout the Security Guidelines.

GET /pay

This payment method is easy to set up and is suitable for scenarios that require repeated use.

Endpoint URL

Authentication and options

AuthorizationPublic Access
LimitationNo limitation


payeeId*requiredStringAccount ID for receiving crypto, pls see Five types of account and How to get payeeId.
orderId*required if no traceIdStringUnique in your system. String lengths between 6-36 must be letters, numbers, dashes and underscores and NOT space. orderId and payeeId make a payment unique.
traceIdoptionalStringUUID, used to prevent double payment and to check the payment result. You should use orderId instead.
settlementAssetIdoptionalStringassetId of settlement cryptocurrency. Settlement assets you prefer. If left blank, the payee will receive the cryptocurrency the user pays for. But you need to pay attention to the strictMode field.For more options, see here.
strictModeoptionalIntegerYou can set 0 or 1. Default 0. 1 means that the payment must be settled strictly according to the currency set by settlementAssetId. See here for more details.
quoteAssetIdoptionalStringassetId of quote cryptocurrency. You can see the supported asset id in Quote Assets.
quoteAmountoptionalNumericAmount of cryptocurrency received, if left blank, the user can enter manually.
remarkoptionalStringmaximum 50. Payment remark viewable by the payer.
settlementMemooptionalStringmaximum 200. A memo is similar to Mixin Snapshots, this parameter you can customise.
returnTooptionalStringAfter successful payment, the page will jump to returnTo URL.
failedReturnTooptionalStringAfter payment failure, the page will jump to failedReturnTo URL.
callbackUrloptionalStringAfter payment successfully, MixPay will issue a POST request to this URL on our server-side. For security reasons, URLs only support HTTPS and has to be URL encoded. Please refer to Payment Callback.
expiredTimestampoptionalintSet a expired timestamp. This value must be greater than 10s and less than 2880min. After this period, the payment result status field will be marked as failed, and the failureReason will be Payment overtime. If you are not setting this value, the payer can have unlimited time to complete this payment.

You can copy the link and open it in a browser:

We recommend one time payment if you want to use so many parameters.

Although this method is more convenient, and you may be more inclined to use this method of splicing parameters, you need to pay attention that when using this method, people can easily in the browser change the parameters you set.